NSLC Authorized Agent

Agency Stores

If you are an agency store owner in Nova Scotia and you're looking for current information about how to do business with us, you're in the right place. This is where you will find current announcements, promotional period information, price lists and what's new at the NSLC.

If you are a customer looking for information about your nearest authorized agent, please visit our NSLC Authorized Agents page. 

NSLC Authorized Agent Download Icon

Agency Store Information

Please find links to download our Agency Store List and Manual below 
Agency Store List 
Agency Store Manual Download

Additional Information Downloads

  1. Information for Potential Agency Store Requests

    Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation (NSLC) may submit a request for proposals for an Agency Store as part of its network planning efforts. During the RFP process, the NSLC’s policy is to verify the best Agent candidate for any community. As such, the NSLC would invite proposals from all businesses interested in selling NSLC beverage alcohol products as an Authorized Agent in the specific community listed on the RFP.  This would be a five (5) year-round term.

    NOTE: Any proposed locations must be at least 10 kms from any Agent in any other community and must be at least 10 kms from the closest existing NSLC store.

  2. Forms
  3. Agency Store Reference Material
  4. myNSLCwholesale.com Knowledge Bank
  5. Learning Centre
  6. Corporate Responsibility

Karen Skerry

Manager, Agency Store Network 

Email: Karen.Skerry@MyNSLC.com
Phone: 902-450-5933
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