Picture of the outside of NSLC's head office


Board of Directors

The NSLC is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by Order in Council. The Board is comprised of nine voting members including Chairperson and Vice Chair; and two non-voting members: the President, and a Deputy Minister. The Board meets quarterly and is accountable to the provincial government in setting the strategic direction of the business and overseeing the NSLC’s financial performance.

The NSLC’s Board of Directors uses three standing committees to provide oversight and business stewardship.

Board of Directors

Tara wearing a black blazer and blue shirt smiling.

Tara Miller

Chair, Board of Directors

Tara Miller holds degrees in arts and law and is currently a partner at MDW Injury and Insurance Law. In addition to over 20 years of experience in law and 8 years of experience in a senior leadership role, Tara has over 20 years of board experience including serving two terms as Chair of the Board for Special Olympics Nova Scotia.

Board of Directors

Kirk MacRae

Vice Chair, Board of Directors

Appointed October, 2023

Kirk MacRae is currently the President of RKM Investment Limited and has 40 years of experience in management and senior leadership roles. Mr. MacRae also has over 30 years of board experience including being Chair of the Board of Governors for the Gaelic College of St. Ann’s, as well as a Board Member and Chair of the Governance and Nomination Committee for the Royal Canadian Mint. Mr. MacRae holds a degree in business administration and calls Ben Eoin, Cape Breton home. 

Photo of Greg Hughes at the NSLC head office

Greg Hughes

President and CEO, Non-voting Director

Greg is an executive and entrepreneur with a progressive career in financial management, business operations, leadership, and client relations spanning more than two decades. He has demonstrated success in building high performance teams and motivating employees to reach personal and corporate goals. Greg has earned a reputation for resolving complex issues by navigating highly regulated industries and collaborating with leaders and diverse stakeholders.

Prior to joining the NSLC, Greg was the General Manager of Operations, Atlantic Canada for CIBC and most recently President & CEO of CleanEarth Technologies in Enfield, a world leader of complex soil and water remediation solutions.

Greg is a native Nova Scotian and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Saint Mary‘s University. He is community minded and is the former Chairman and current Director of the Board of Make-A-Wish Canada.

Greg is an avid fly-fisher and sports enthusiast who enjoys golf, hockey and outdoor pursuits.

Colleen Keyes smiling with stairs and windows behind her.

Colleen Keyes


Appointed January, 2021

Colleen Keyes is a partner at the Halifax office of the law firm Stewart McKelvey, representing private companies, reporting issuers and publicly-traded companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the TSX Venture Exchange as well as underwriters on a wide variety of matters. With extensive experience in policy and regulatory matters in the Canadian gaming industry, she also advises clients on regulatory compliance and corporate governance best practices.

Colleen holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree from Dalhousie University and an Osgoode Certificate in Mining Law from the Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto. Colleen is the past Chair of the Board of Governors at Mount Saint Vincent University, and is in the final year of a 10-year term as a Governor, having served on each of the subcommittees of the Board. She is the co-Chair of the Phoenix Annual Holiday Luncheon Committee and has been an active volunteer with the Halifax-Dunbrack Soccer Club.

Photo of Kiki Kachafanas at the NSLC head office

Kiki Kachafanas


Appointed January 2021

Kiki graduated from Acadia University with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree and obtained her Chartered Account (CA) designation and her Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) designation while working for Deloitte & Touche in Sydney. Together with a partner, she purchased the assets and accounts of the Deloitte & Touche office, where she continues to practice in the areas of assurance and taxation. She is now President and Managing Partner with the firm, which has been rebranded as hk CPA.

Kiki has extensive experience in community initiatives, including being Chair of the Audit Committees for the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation (2018 – present) and the Nova Scotia Mental Health Foundation (2010 – 2017).

Board of Directors

Kelliann Dean

Deputy Minister, Finance and Treasury Board, and Non-voting Director

Kelliann’s career spans 34 years in public and private sector leadership, strategic planning, business development, communications, board governance and business financing. She has successfully managed complex stakeholder relationships with a visionary leadership style characterized by a passion for building strong teams and partnerships to achieve results.

As the longest serving Deputy Minister in Nova Scotia, she has provided strategic advice to Premiers and Ministers since 2004.

Kelliann currently serves as Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, a post she has held since 2016. In 2021, she was also appointed Deputy Minister of the Nova Scotia Department of Finance and Treasury Board.

She has previously served as Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs from 2016 to 2019 as well as Chair of the Municipal Finance Corporation. From 2013 to 2016, she was Deputy Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage as well as Chair of the Nova Scotia Provincial Lotteries and Casino Corporation and, Chair of the Nova Scotia Museum Board of Governors. She was appointed Public Service Commissioner from 2010 to 2013, and Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture and Heritage from 2004 to 2010 during which time she served on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Tourism Commission. Before returning to Nova Scotia in 2001 as Vice President, Nova Scotia Business Inc., she held various positions at the Business Development Bank of Canada, in Montreal and Halifax.

Kelliann received the CIBC Executive Leaders Award in 2020 which recognizes women leaders who not only exemplify what it means to be a great leader in their organizations and communities, but also leadership which builds confidence, champions equality and breaks down barriers for the next generation of leaders to come.

Kelliann holds a Master of Business Administration degree from St. Mary’s University and a Bachelor of Public Relations degree from Mount Saint Vincent University.

Image of Susan MacDougall in a pink blazer

Susan MacDougall


Susan is the CEO of The Windsor Elms Village, Falmouth, a licensed Long Term Care home. With leadership experience in both acute and continuing care, in public and private settings in Canada and the United States, Susan has a deep understanding of complex operations, effective, transformative leadership and sound, fiscal accountability. Additionally, Susan spent part of her career in the financial services sector in Nova Scotia and Ontario.

Governance is a passion for Susan, having obtained her ICD.D designation in December 2021. Her education also includes a Masters of Science in Business from Husson University, a Bachelor of Recreation Management from Acadia University, a Diploma in Nursing from the VG School of Nursing and a Certificate in Executive Management from Dalhousie University. Currently, she serves on the Board of Governors for Acadia University and is the President of The Annapolis Valley Chamber of Commerce. In addition, she serves as Past President of the Nursing Homes of Nova Scotia Association and is on the Board of Directors for Pier Labs.

Born and raised in the Annapolis Valley, Susan and her family live in the beautiful Annapolis Valley.
Photo of Jennifer Abbey at the NSLC head office

Jennifer Abbey


Jenn holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Acadia University and a Chartered Professional Accounting designation (CPA) from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nova Scotia. She is currently the Vice President, Corporate Services at Credit Union Atlantic (CUA) and is responsible for leading the finance, information technology, and risk management functions including cyber security. Jennifer has more than 10 years of board experience as the Treasurer of the Better Business Bureau for the Atlantic Provinces (2011 – 2019) where she chaired the Finance and Risk Committee, and currently serves as the Treasurer, Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Board of Directors

Amanda Dean


Amanda Dean is currently the Vice President of the Insurance Bureau of Canada and has been approved to serve a 2-year term. Amanda has 20 years of experience in the public and private sectors as well as 15 years of experience in a senior leadership role. Also, Amanda brings over 20 years of board experience including being Chair of the Board of Governors for Mount Saint Vincent University.

Steve Streatch


Steve Streatch has over 35 years of experience in the private sector, spanning several industries and businesses. Steve served five terms as councillor on the Halifax City Council from 1999 to 2020. In addition to having served as Deputy Mayor, Steve has over 20 years of board experience.

Frank MacFarlane


Frank MacFarlane holds degrees in arts, and urban and rural planning, and is currently the Business Development Officer for the Town of New Glasgow. Frank brings over 20 years of experience in the public sector to his new role on our Board.

Executive Council

Our Executive Council is responsible for the day-to-day management of their respective Business Units as well as developing the overall direction of the NSLC based on long range strategic planning and goal setting. This includes the development of the annual business plan and budget for approval by the Board of Directors.

Executive Bios

Greg Hughes stands in front of a white background

Greg Hughes

President and CEO

Greg is an executive and entrepreneur with a progressive career in financial management, business operations, leadership, and client relations spanning more than two decades. He has demonstrated success in building high performance teams and motivating employees to reach personal and corporate goals. Greg has earned a reputation for resolving complex issues by navigating highly regulated industries and collaborating with leaders and diverse stakeholders.

Prior to joining the NSLC, Greg was the General Manager of Operations, Atlantic Canada for CIBC and most recently President & CEO of CleanEarth Technologies in Enfield, a world leader of complex soil and water remediation solutions.

Greg is a native Nova Scotian and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Saint Mary‘s University. He is community minded and is the former Chairman and current Director of the Board of Make-A-Wish Canada.

Greg is an avid fly-fisher and sports enthusiast who enjoys golf, hockey and outdoor pursuits.

Caroline Duchesne

Caroline Duchesne

Senior Vice President, Finance and Risk

Caroline was appointed Senior Vice President, Finance and Risk in August 2019 and has been a member of the Executive Team since 2015. Her team leads all financial aspects of the organization including business planning, budgeting and financial reporting, She is also responsible for portfolios such as data governance, reporting as well as risk management. Caroline has contributed to the success of the business and its people since 2006 when she was hired as a Business Analyst on the SAP implementation project.

Leveraging her strengths in systems and processes, Caroline built her accounting experience working for construction, engineering, and information technology consulting firms. A native of Montreal, she moved to Nova Scotia in 2003 and was hired by Fujitsu Consulting – Business Services as part of their start-up team.

Caroline holds a Bachelor of Management from HEC Montreal (University of Montreal Business School), an MBA degree from Saint Mary’s University and is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA,CMA). To give back to the community, she joined the Board of Le Petit Voilier, an early childhood centre, in 2010. Her work as President of the Board for this non-profit, allows her to support her education and French language values as well as her professional growth.


Caroline lives in Dartmouth with her husband Chris and son Matis.

Dave DiPersio stand in front of a white background

Dave DiPersio

Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs

A native of PEI but with deep roots in Nova Scotia, Dave returned to the NSLC to assume the role of Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs after having spent two years in Montreal as VP Finance for Frank And Oak. In his current role, he leads Information Technology, Internal Audit, Corporate Affairs, Communications, and Responsibility and Sustainability.

Prior to that, Dave accumulated a wealth of retail experience through his previous role as VP Finance and IT at the NSLC, as well as through various senior roles at Sobeys and Holt Renfrew in Nova Scotia and Ontario. His experience includes financial planning and reporting, business financing, as well as business transformation.

Dave holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Mount Allison University and is a CPA, CA.      

Paul Rapp stands in front of a white background

Paul Rapp

Senior Vice President, Customer Operations

Paul started his career with the NSLC when he was 20 years old and has been part of our transformation to a modern, customer focused organization. Paul is an operations expert who has held many positions including Store Manager, Regional Manager and Vice President Customer Experience.

In his current role as Senior Vice President Customer Operations, Paul is responsible for the team that is instrumental in driving an exceptional customer experience. He is passionate about his team, and his wealth of retail expertise and leadership abilities bring strategic direction to every customer-facing touchpoint in our stores.

Paul holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Saint Mary’s University and his exceptional management skills and collaborative approach are an asset to his team.

In his spare time, Paul is busy with his wife and three children and enjoys sailing, dirt biking with his son, and taking part in outdoor pursuits.

Ryan Embrett stands in front of a white background

Ryan Embrett

Senior Vice President, People and Culture

Ryan Embrett-Baboushkin has developed her career as a human resources professional by working in both the private and public sectors of Nova Scotia. Ryan joined the NSLC after more than 13 years with the IWK Health Centre where she specialized in labour relations, compensation and benefits, talent recruitment and development and HR business intelligence. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from St. Mary’s University and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Dalhousie University.

Ryan is proud to be from Cape Breton Island and enjoys running, biking, hiking with her dog, and cooking in her free time. 

Committee Structures

  1. Audit & Risk Committee

    • Jennifer Abbey
    • Amanda Dean
    • Kiki Kachafanas
    • Kirk MacRae

    The Audit & Risk Committee assists the Board of Directors with oversight of the NSLC’s financial statements; the financial reporting process; the systems of internal control and risk management functions; performance of internal audit; and the hiring performance and independence of the external auditor.

  2. Governance and HR Committee

    • Amanda Dean
    • Colleen Keyes, Chair
    • Kirk MacRae
    • Tara Miller
    • Steve Streatch

    The Governance & Human Resources Committee advises the Board of Directors regarding corporate governance and human resources policies and practices.

  3. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

    • Jennifer Abbey
    • Susan MacDougall, Chair
    • Tara Miller
    • Frank MacFarlane

    The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee is responsible for the oversight of policies and strategies that affect the NSLC’s role as a socially responsible organization. The Committee’s purpose is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to the Board regarding the NSLC’s CSR (Corporate Social responsibility) goals, initiatives and practices.

Additional Resources

  1. Code of Business Conduct

    We’ve documented the expectations of our employees in the Code of Business Conduct, and this applies to all employees. The key principles of the code are:

    • Obey the laws and regulations governing business transactions
    • Act ethically and professionally
    • Protect corporate assets
    • Be open and trustworthy in all financial reporting and public disclosure
    • Avoid conflicts between personal interests and the interests of the NSLC
    • Uphold the NSLC’s commitment to non-discrimination

    If you would like to report a suspected violation of the Code of Business Conduct, please use our Confidence Line. This line is also accessible for vendors, producers, and customers.

  2. Liquor Control Act

    Since 1930 we’ve been committed to bringing a world of responsible beverage enjoyment to Nova Scotians. We are both retailer and  regulator. As a provincial Crown Corporation, we have a legislated mandate under the Liquor Control Act (LCA) of Nova Scotia to manage the safe and responsible distribution of beverage alcohol in Nova Scotia. Because of the nature of the products we sell, we have specific responsibilities to be a good corporate citizen, a respected neighbour, a valued community partner,  and a responsible retailer.

    We are governed by the Liquor Control Act and other laws surrounding the distribution of our product and we take our responsibilities seriously. In practical terms, that means:

    • Delivering exceptional customer service
    • Cultivating the success of local products and the industry
    • Promoting responsible consumption and awareness
    • Proudly returning 100% of our profits to our shareholder to help fund key public services.

    For more information, please review the Liquor Control Act of Nova Scotia (download)  and the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation Regulations .


  3. Statement of Compensation Disclosure
  4. Administrative Disclosure Reports
Reports & Plans
Reports & Plans
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