The Sugar Shack

The Sugar Shack

  • Recipe Type Drink
  • Servings 1
  • Preparation Time Under 30 min
  • Total Time Under 30 min

The Sugar Shack features maple cream liqueur, maple vodka and espresso. Served with skewered cranberries for garnish.


1 oz espresso

1⁄2 oz maple cream liqueur

1⁄2 oz simple syrup

1⁄2 oz maple vodka

3 cranberries, skewered


1. Place espresso, cream liqueur, simple syrup and maple vodka in an ice-filled cocktail shaker.

2. Shake for 10 to 12 seconds.

3. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.

4. Garnish with skewer of cranberries.
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